Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Your Flight has been Canceled... June 5


A word to the wise- you may not get notified when your flight is canceled when flying within Europe. After all, as I arrived in the Prague airport about an hour and 45 minutes prior to "departure", I was greeted by the billboard listing all flights departing in the next few hours and saw the word "CANCELED" in bold following my flight number. Oh I bet you can imagine the emotions that settled as I read the last word, knowing my internship began the following morning! Luckily, as I went to the ticket counter and was directed to the customer service area I was able to be rescheduled a later flight that evening. Unfortunately for me, this meant that I spent the next ~7 hrs in the airport instead of exploring Prague or getting settled in Warsaw. :(

Photo following our last breakfast together with my wonderful exploring buddy 

Even though my day took a wrong turn, I was still able to be productive. Because of the delay, I was able to go through all my Prague pictures, edit them, and upload some of the better ones to Facebook. I almost finished doing the same for my India photos as well (I have one more day--Taj where I got a little photo happy so it may take a bit still). Thankfully with the flight delay, I was given a food voucher so I didn't have to worry about the fact I left the lunch I packed in Anna's backpack and gave her all my left over koruna before leaving.

Lunch and Dinner rations 

Boarding our tiny plane

"Flat" landing wheels... reassuring (or should it have been?)

The tiny plane :)

Since sleep is generally overrated when traveling with limited time, I was thankful for the 1.5 hr nap on my flight which helped me make it to Warsaw with some energy left. As I got to the Warsaw airport, I was welcomed by IAESTE (the placement company that matched me and found accommodations during my internship). They helped me navigate the public transportation to check-into my dorm; exchange money; get some groceries and settle in knowing I'd meet someone else in the morning to help me get to my first day of work.

Right now, I'm extremely impressed by the dorm I'm in. I'm comparing it to Bursely, so maybe that isn't extremely high comparison standards, but the dorm is very nice. I'd describe my place as suite style living. There are two dorms with three beds that are connected through a middle area with a fridge/freezer, little kitchen, cupbords, table, and bathroom area with a shower, toilet, and four different sink areas. Each of the rooms have SOO much room for the beds, closets, storage shelves and three full desks and chairs. Politechnika Warszawska (Warsaw University of Technology) is still in their regular semester, so I have two roommates (one from southern Poland and one from Russia). I believe most students have about one more week of classes and then the last two weeks of June are final exams. Students then have July and August for vacation; there is a re-take period of a week or two to re-do any class that were failed in the beginning of September and then again a week or two of vacation before term begins in October. Back to the Bursley comparison, my dorm in Warsaw is also right across the street from the metro stop, within about 2-3 blocks from a tram stop and bus stop, and I have free access to a gym next door! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to roll with the punches and also glad you are now there safely. I can't wait to see how the internship goes!
